Monday, December 5, 2011

Outings, Brunches, & Other Things

This week started off with another photo shoot of Samantha at Humayun's Tomb, a short seven minute rickshaw ride from our home.  Samantha and I waited to see this site until Andy had time to go with us. He also is the artist behind the photos from the outing detailed below!  

Humayun's Tomb, view from the backside.

This is how Samantha enjoyed most of our afternoon at the site.

Old gate to one of the tomb areas.

Steps up to the tomb.

A visitor that caught Andy's eye.

Enjoying the greenery.

Another view of the main tomb.

Milling around.

So green and clean.

Samantha resting on the steps of one of the ruins.

Samantha is almost as popular as the tomb, especially among teen girls!


We had some friends over for brunch this weekend, Adam and Emily.  Before we ate, she and I practiced yoga while the men cooked and watched Samantha!  It was great. Notice our Christmas tree...

Samantha at her first brunch.

When Samantha wasn't in our arms at the table for brunch, she was playing with her toy here that one of our new French friends gave us for the year.

Samantha, post brunch.

Below are some random pictures from the week that were too fun to leave out, even though they don't fit in thematically.

Samantha and me at the house of our Defence Colony neighbor and new friends.

Mr. & Mrs. Singh, our very sweet landlords (he's actually smiling under that beard), who live two floors below us with their son, daughter-in-law, and two teenage grandchildren. 

This is where Samantha sits while I wash the dishes!

The chunkster all bundled up for the slightly colder weather, listening to Adele on Youtube.

Samantha hanging out with some of Andy's Urdu teachers.

Samantha hanging out at the American Embassy where all things holiday were being prepared by volunteers. She and I had come to the thrift store where some of the ladies had bought her some new toys!  And I started reading a new book from their library, Shantaram.  I highly recommend it if you are looking for a new book!

Samantha in her UCLA Bruins hat.  It was even cold enough for her to wear it!

Sleeping off their shared cold this week.  Both are all better now!

And last but not least, click here to see pictures from our Friday night out at our Norwegian friends' house.  There is a picture of me doing a back bend on her oversized beanbag, with the brand name of "Fatboy."  We had a great night at their home, as you will see from her blog.  Unless you read Norwegian, you will only be able to get a few words of it though!  We almost crashed another party, but the host and his wife kindly offered to walk us across the embassy grounds to the correct party.  Those Scandinavians are so friendly!  Only later did we find out that the kindly host was really the Norwegian ambassador to India! 


I thought I would leave you with a longish video taken during one of my many rides in an auto-rickshaw. 
Till next time!

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